Selecting the Right Course

RobotMagic offers a lot of choice when it comes to course selection, but with such an extensive collection, it can be challenging to determine what courses are the best use of you and your students time. This post will cover some questions you should ask yourself before selecting a course.

What are you trying to teach?

Pinning down exactly what you are trying to teach is an essential first step to selecting a course. This may seem trivial, but it’s important to get this right, especially if you have a tight timeframe.

An excellent place to start is to ask which one of our categories is the most relevant to you. If you’re trying to introduce your students to a fresh perspective with a common classroom aversion, Math, it would be best to select the math category.

It’s good to keep in mind that all RobotMagic courses include some degree of programming and problem solving, so your students will be learning these skills regardless of the course’s overarching theme.

What difficulty are your students?

Another important consideration is the course difficulty that your students can handle. All RobotMagic courses are sorted into one of three difficulties, so it’s vital to ensure you aren’t selecting a course too easy or hard. If your students are new to programming entirely, starting with a 100 level course regardless of age may be appropriate. At the same time, experienced young children may be able to handle 300 level courses if they have significant previous programming experience.

We have discussed the RobotMagic level system more in-depth in another blog article which you can read here.

Do you have a timeframe?

When selecting the right course, the last important factor is your timeframe. While most RobotMagic courses take around 30 minutes to complete, some courses, especially projects, can take 1 to 2 hours. Therefore, you should make sure you select a course within your timeframe and always add some leeway. If you finish early, you can always start another and come back to it later! Hopefully, this blog post has given you some helpful questions to help you select suitable courses for your students. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We love to hear from our users!