Recent Updates

New Website

Over the last couple of months, we've worked hard to redevelop the RobotMagic website to present the features that RobotMagic offers to help teachers and educators teach coding effortlessly. Check it out if you want a refresher on the core features that RobotMagic offers.

Documentation Page

We have also spent some time developing a new documentation site to help users learn more about available RobotMagic blocks and functions. The documentation site also includes example worlds associated with various RobotMagic features. We hope this resource will help educators and students alike utilise more of RobotMagic.

New App Features

Over the last couple of months, we’ve also been working hard on new features and improvements for the RobotMagic environment, and we’ve got some exciting progress to share.

2D Sprites

We’ve introduced 2D sprites. These act like any other model, except they show up in the world as 2D. With ease, you can use these sprites to create walls, floors, roofs, or interactive actors (such as space invaders, for example). You can easily create 2D sprites by uploading an image instead of a 3D model when creating/changing the model of an actor.

Pitch, Yaw, and Roll

We’ve added the ability to manipulate models in new ways by changing the pitch, yaw, and roll of models. This new movement lets you implement more fluid and complex movements for actors, such as cars and planes.

Improved 3D Model Importer

We’ve also revised the 3D model importer to allow a broader range of .obj files. We still have strong integration with Tinkercad, but now you can upload .obj files from other sources reliably. If you’re interested in finding free, high-quality 3D models for your worlds, check out Sketchfab as well as Tinkercad.

General Bug Fixes

Lastly, as well as these new features, we've also been hard at work fixing minor issues. Although we try our best to remove any bugs within RobotMagic, nothing is perfect, so don't hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues.